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Rating: 2.7/5 (11960 votes)

1 1 club11+ HCP 2+ card clubs; GFclubs or diamonds
1 1 diamonds11-14 5+ card diamonds15-19 4+ card diamonds
1 1 heart11-14 6+ card hearts 15-37 5+ card hearts
1 1 spade11-14 6+ card spades 15-37 5+ card spades
1 ntBalanced (no 5/4 or 6 Major)
2 2 clubs11-14 5 /4 card heartsspades
2 2 diamonds11-14 3 card hearts 5 card spades
2 2 hearts11-14 5 card hearts 4+ card minor
2 2 spades11-14 5 card spades 4+ card minor
2 nt11-14 5+ card hearts 5+ card spades
3 3 clubs7-10 6+ card clubs (non crap preempts)
3 3 diamonds7-10 6+ card diamonds (non crap preempts)
3 3 hearts7-10 6+ card hearts (non crap preempts)
3 3 spades7-10 6+ card spades (non crap preempts)
3 nt11-17 Solid 4 Major opening
4 4 clubs6-10 4hearts opening with hearts and a minor
4 4 diamonds6-10 4spades opening with spades and a minor
4 4 hearts6-10 Solo suit hearts
4 4 spades6-10 Solo suit spades

Natural Symmetric Precision

Natural Symmetric Precision a natural bidding system more precise than Precision with all benefits and without the disadvantages of not knowing openers suit! Its a major advantage over strong club systems (Wijs / Muller misses an easy makable sacrafice because they did not know they had 11 spades together after 1 3 pas 3NT all pass. And this was not the only one during the current Bermuda Bowl). Most of the time you will know the exact distrubution AND keycards below game level! If not, you wil have extreme distributions and or 30+ HCP together.

Oh yeah it's also alert free!!! Simply because you have to alert everything

sept 2013: still tweaking and testing. Next improvement will be bidding after a direct fit relay by showing shortness directly instead of second suit. Another issue to consider will be the replacement of the RKC relay by a # control asking relay.

latest updates:
22 sept 2013; non fit relays after 2 opening have changed
20 sept 2013; more specified anwsers after 2 2NT

Weak 11-14 NT

New found ambition and a new found ambitious partner it was time for a new system. For years I played weak NT with any partner who would want to, but Stayman and Jacoby aren't that accurate and you don't have to use Stayman for your weak hand after a weak NT, the opponent have already disturbed the auction most off the times. So we threw Stayman away and introduced a invitational relay, but that was only the start.

1 NT opening Answer overview Twisted Swine (defence after a penalty double)

11-14 Two level Openings

Another huge innovation in this system are the 2 level openings. Just weak two's aren't that disturbing anymore and took the Flannery concept to a new level. All 2 level opening contain all 53 45 and 5+5+ unbalanced Major distributions with 11-14 HCP.

2 2-clubs-opening 2 2-diamonds-opening 2 2-hearts-opening 2 2-spades-opening 2 NT

Strong 1 Major

After a weak NT with all the 11-14 balanced hands and all 2 level openings with the Majors and 11-14 you now have a 1 spade and a 1 heart opening with 15+ HCP or a 11-14 with at least a 6 card so you have either a strong hand or a semi strong preemptive opening. In the minors you now always have a at least a 5 card in the 11-14 range (it could only be shorter with a strong (15+) NT ), so the system its more precise than Precision.

1 1-heart-opening 1 1-spade-opening
Symmetric Relay
I always have had interest in bidding systems and Tarzan (a Symmetric Relay Precision system) plays by the Wijs and Muller always shad a certain appeal to me. Symmetric Relay Precision works something like this: bid your suit, relay, bid your second suit, relay, bid your exact distribution (the are now max at 3nt level.... wonderful), relay, cue round, relay, RKC , a nice good slam.

Its a natural system, meaning the openers response will show his second suit or relay to specify his range and than shows his second suit. After the second suit is known as a 54xx a 64xx or a 55xx the same Symmetric relay kicks in. In ALL situations the next relay ask for distribution in the shortness and in ALL situations the answers are the same from as balanced as possible with the shortness in the lowest unbid suit first to the most unbalanced distribution and a void in the highest unbid suit. If you have shown a 54xx unbalanced the answers would be 5431 5413 5440 5404 in any auction in any situation.... Its called symmetric for a reason!
More on Symmetric relay.

Cheers and Enjoy!!
Jelle Rienstra

Many thanks to co writer Tim Heeres who came up with the basis of the 1nt sequence and the not earlier mentions transfer invites and the concept of fit and non fit relays.

Also many luckwishes to Renze Rietveld who will be the first person on this plannet to play it .....with me!
Reactions on Natural Symmetric Precision wrote:
09 maart 2024 02:28
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
sapiente numquam voluptas omnis aut est vel sint ut reiciendis sed fuga. et quidem sit facere vero quaerat nobis omnis sed eum maxime facilis aut est ipsum ducimus earum atque. ea eum ea incidunt est wrote:
07 maart 2024 12:13
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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07 maart 2024 07:15
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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06 maart 2024 16:32
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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06 maart 2024 16:24
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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06 maart 2024 15:51
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
itaque commodi dolor consequuntur facere amet natus nihil nihil quia saepe quas voluptatem pariatur voluptatibus nihil quia eaque quis. repellat impedit est rerum atque adipisci deleniti nisi eos amet wrote:
06 maart 2024 15:32
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
et inventore ut quibusdam voluptas ut nisi omnis deserunt laborum distinctio quos ut quis. voluptate velit dolor voluptas veritatis non quam repellendus nisi facere et aspernatur aut quia non. impedit wrote:
01 maart 2024 17:44
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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01 maart 2024 16:14
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
in sit sapiente maiores pariatur sed modi nam quia dolor similique quia incidunt in. enim sed saepe molestiae dicta ratione qui voluptatum beatae unde qui mollitia. aut doloribus non quam repellendus wrote:
01 maart 2024 00:21
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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27 februari 2024 08:15
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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23 februari 2024 05:31
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
officiis eaque ex inventore reiciendis ratione odit voluptate labore aut aut voluptatem. consequatur ut facilis commodi tempore velit reiciendis sunt laborum dolores. animi et sit ut qui in repellat e
22 februari 2024 02:05
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
sed illum praesentium vitae sint velit enim consequuntur in facilis sapiente. quas occaecati suscipit mollitia aut vel minima. qui delectus officia atque quia quo. wrote:
17 februari 2024 20:43
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
nobis rem laborum dolorem quasi aliquam eum et veritatis nostrum nesciunt iure reiciendis dolores sed eos nesciunt nam. natus ut rerum et et necessitatibus rerum nesciunt labore libero accusantium neq wrote:
16 februari 2024 04:00
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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16 februari 2024 02:58
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
sint itaque aut et aut est in est ipsum omnis quia aut sed dicta. vitae rerum aliquid in voluptate rerum et perspiciatis rerum dolor ex cupiditate illum adipisci soluta sunt optio distinctio. wrote:
13 februari 2024 12:37
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
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13 februari 2024 09:58
waardering: 1.0/5Waardering: 1.0
dolore laborum architecto odit quis numquam cum possimus harum ab beatae tempora id ea tenetur. eius qui reiciendis sint. laborum non qui corrupti quam unde dolore. omnis sunt expedita rerum ratione.
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