Bidding overview after weak NT

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Bidding overview after weak NT

Easy overview

An easy overview on how to bid after a weak NT

1 suiter  Both Majors  Both minors  Major and a minor      

1 suiter

4333Pas and pray or 2diamonds (better to transfer tohearts at most times to keep pressure on opponentsAfter 1nt x ? xx and pas at 2clubs and redouble that again
5spades3hearts322hearts Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and bid 2spades after 2clubs
5hearts3spades322diamonds Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and bid 2hearts after 2clubs
5m332Pas or transfer to minor and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and pass or correct after 2clubs
6MxxxTransfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and bid 2hearts after 2clubs
6mxxxTransfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and pass or correct after 2clubs
4hearts/spades 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds bid your lowest Major and end up in 2M or 2nt
4clubs/diamonds 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds end up in 2nt
5spades3hearts32Via 2 klaver en een min kun je 2h proberen en eindig je in de 4-3 fithearts of 5-4 fitspades na een max in harten vraag je op en kom je in de juiste mancheJe kan ook trasnfereren naar schoppen, Met een min eindig je dan in 2sa of 3spades en et een max kan maat de 5 kaarthearts nog aangevemn
5hearts3spades322diamonds TransferYou can still find thespades support because partner refuses the transfer with 5 spades
5m3322clubsAfter 2diamonds end up in 2nt and after any max in 3nti will
6hearts/spades xxx2diamonds/hearts Transfer
6clubs /diamonds xxx2clubs or 2spades/nt TransferDepends on what you want to hear, if you are looking for support bid a transfer nut miss a game while partner could have a maximum, if you want to hear min max bid 2clubs (you wont end up in 3m now but in 2nt)
Game forcing but no slam interest
4hearts/spades 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4clubs/diamonds 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds bid just 3nt
6hearts/spades xxx2diamonds/hearts Transfer or 4hearts/spadesDepends on declarer choice if you want the lead bid game direct else transfer
6clubs /diamonds xxx3nt or 2spades/2ntKind of hand depending of you bid 3nt or transfer
Slam interest
4hearts/spades 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4clubs/diamonds 3332clubsAfter 2diamonds bid just 3nt
5spades3hearts322hearts Transfer
5hearts3spades322diamonds Transfer
5m3322spades/2nt or 2clubs if you want hear min/max
6hearts/spades xxx3hearts/spades
6clubs /diamonds xxx4clubs/diamonds

Both Majors

4spades 4hearts xxPas and pray or 2diamonds (better to transfer tohearts at most times to keep pressure on opponentsAfter 1nt x ? 2hearts
4spades 5hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? 2hearts
5spades 4hearts xx2hearts Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? 2hearts
5spades 5hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? 2hearts
4spades 6hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and bid 2hearts after 2clubs
6spades 4hearts xx2hearts Transfer and pasAfter 1nt x ? xx and bid 2spades after 2clubs (or direct 2spades with descent spades)
4spades 4hearts xx2clubs
4spades 5hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and 2spades after 2hearts
5spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 2hearts (you mis sometimes a 5-3 fit in spades) after 2nt you can bid 3diamonds 3 card stayman
5spades 5hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3diamonds after 2nt you can bid 3diamonds 3 card stayman
4spades 6hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 2spades if partner signs off to 2nt bid 3hearts (try to find 4-4 fit, but if there is a 6-4 fit we play that suit, ruffs against are killing)
6spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 2hearts if partner signs off to 2nt bid 3spades
Game forcing but no slam interest
4spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet and bid game directly after
4spades 5hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and 3spades after 2hearts
5spades 4hearts xx2hearts Transfer and 3hearts after 2hearts
5spades 5hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3diamonds and bid game direct after support is found
4spades 6hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet if partner bids 3NT sing off to 4hearts
6spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet if partner bids 3NT sing off to 4spades
Slam interest
4spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet and cue if you are still interested after puppet
4spades 5hearts xx2diamonds Transfer and 3spades after 2hearts
5spades 4hearts xx2hearts Transfer and 3hearts after 2hearts
5spades 5hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3diamonds and cue if you are still interested after answer
4spades 6hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet if partner bids 3NT bid 4clubs
6spades 4hearts xx2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet if partner bids 3NT bid 4diamonds

Both minors

xx 4diamonds 4clubsPas or just mess around with a transfer to hearts with really no pointsAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx
xx 4diamonds 5clubsPas or 2spades or just mess around with a transfer to hearts with really no pointsAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx
xx 5diamonds 4clubsPas or 2nt or just mess around with a transfer to hearts with really no pointsAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx
xx 5diamonds 5clubsPas or 2spades or 2nt or if you really up to is psych a direct 3clubs GF MSAAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx
xx 4+diamonds 6clubsPas or 2spades or 2nt or if you really up to is psych a direct 3clubs GF MSAAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx or
After 1nt x ? xx and pass after 2clubs
xx 6diamonds 4+clubsPas or 2spades or 2nt or if you really up to is psych a direct 3clubs GF MSAAfter 1nt x ? pas and bid 2clubs after xx or
After 1nt x ? xx and bid 2diamonds after 2clubs
xx 4diamonds 4clubs2clubsEnd up in 2 or 3nt
xx 4diamonds 5clubs2clubsEnd up in 2 or 3nt
xx 5diamonds 4clubs2clubsEnd up in 2 or 3nt
xx 5diamonds 5clubs2clubs or a direct 3clubs GF MSA (who has an invitational hand with at least 10 cards in minors)End up in 2 or 3nt or 5 or 6clubs /diamonds
xx 4+diamonds 6clubs2clubs or 2spadesTransfer or a direct 3clubs GF MSA (who has an invitational hand with at least 10 cards in minors)Depends on what you want to hear, if you are looking for support bid a transfer nut miss a game while partner could have a maximum, if you want to hear min max bid 2clubs (you wont end up in 3m now but in 2nt)
xx 6diamonds 4+clubs2clubs or 2nt Transfer or a direct 3clubs GF MSA (who has an invitational hand with at least 10 cards in minors)Depends on what you want to hear, if you are looking for support bid a transfer nut miss a game while partner could have a maximum, if you want to hear min max bid 2clubs (you wont end up in 3m now but in 2nt)
Game forcing but no slam interest
xx 4diamonds 4clubs3clubs GF MSA or just 3nt
xx 4diamonds 5clubs3clubs GF MSA or just 3nt
xx 5diamonds 4clubs3clubs GF MSA or just 3nt
xx 5diamonds 5clubs3clubs GF MSA or just 3nt
xx 4+diamonds 6clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 6diamonds 4+clubs3clubs GF MSA
Slam interest
xx 4diamonds 4clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 4diamonds 5clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 5diamonds 4clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 5diamonds 5clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 4+diamonds 6clubs3clubs GF MSA
xx 6diamonds 4+clubs3clubs GF MSA
Major and a minor
4M 4mPas or transfer to your MajorAfter 1nt x ? 2clubs with clubs and Major pas or
After 1nt x ? 2diamonds with red suits or
After 1nt x ? pas with diamonds and spades and bid 2diamonds after xx
4M 5mPas or transfer to your Major (with absolutely nothing) or transfer to minorSee above
4M 6mPas or transfer to your minorSee above or
After 1nt x ? xx and pass or correct after 2clubs
5M 4mTransfer to your MajorSee above
5M 5mTransfer to your MajorSee above
6M 4+mTransfer to your MajorAfter 1nt x ? xx and correct to Major after 2clubs
After 1nt x ? 2spades with good spades
4M 4m2clubsEnd up in 2/3nt or 2/3 or 4M
4M 5m2clubsEnd up in 2/3nt or 2/3 or 4M
4M 6m2clubsEnd up in 2/3nt or 2/3 or 4M or 6m
5M 4mTransfer to Major and ignore minor
5M 5mTransfer to Major and ignore minor
6M 4+m2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3M
After 2nt bid 4M
Game forcing but no slam interest
4M 4m2clubsEnd up in 3nt or 4M
After 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4M 5m2clubsEnd up in 3nt or 4M
After 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4M 6m2clubsEnd up in 3nt or 4M or 5m
After 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
5M 4mTransfer to Major and ignore minor
5M 5mTransfer to Major and ignore minor
6M 4+mTransfer to Major and ignore minor of bid game direct
Slam interest
4M 4m2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4M 5m2clubsAfter 2diamonds bid 3clubs puppet
4M 6mTransfer to minor and bid Major
5M 4mTransfer to Major and bid minor
5M 5mTransfer to Major and bid minor
6M 4+m3M
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